Saturday 19 November 2016


Hello all,

This year is going so fast, I've said this every month for the last 3 months but its true - IT'S A FACT - the year is almost over! October was a very exciting month for me, as it was my birthday! I also went to the Radio 1 teen awards and saw Shawn Mendes (real tears guys...real tears) So obviously that was one of my favourite things to happen this month! So lets get on with the favourites! 

Morphe 35P Pallet If you follow my insta (@foreverfern_) then you'll know I've been lusting over this pallet for the longest time and now I finally have it all to myself! It's a plumby/purple tone pallet which is perfect for my green eyes. (make them girls POP) The shadows are SO pigmented and creamy and amazing! I have been using this like crazy this past month!

Pro Beauty Blender
As you know, I love using makeup sponges for my foundation and other such things, and I have been loving the Pro beauty blender. I think it's a bit smoother at applying foundation PLUS it's black so it doesn't look AS dirty as the pink one, however, it's still pretty dirty. 

Anastasia Beverly Hills - Clear Brow Gel
I love eyebrows, and I love ABH, so when my sister bought me this for my birthday I was SO HAPPY! It's like literal glue for your brows, they will not go anywhere with this baby on them. (ps I'm happy with this picture can we appreciate plz) 

Also for my birthday, I received this awesome portable speaker from my family! I love to 'crank the tunes' as the kids say, and this speaker is amazing. I've literally used this everyday when doing school work or just in general, it also waterproof, so its shower proof! (not that I ever would i get too stressed lol) 

Joss Sterling - Shaken
If you know me, and you know my blog then you know I love Joss Sterling. I finally got my hands on her newest book and I couldn't be more happy! It's so amazing, it has the right level of comedy, romance, drama and action it' all around amazing! I loved reading this book!

Thankyou for reading I hope you enjoyed! Let me know your faves from October! Enjoy November (aka christmas)

Thanks again
Fern :) 

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