Thursday 14 January 2016


Hello all,

It's that time of year again where the weather gets lower and the chances of my lips getting chapped are higher, meaning that your lips are in need of some love and tlc!
I tend to get chapped lips all year round so I have quite a collection of lip balms, and have found the ones that are bet for different occasions!  (it's unhealthy I have a legit obsession!)
Here are just a few of my collection
Whether or not you have chapped lips, I think it's important to always use lip balm to keep your lips soft and healthy and to prevent getting chapped lips in the future! 
I always have at least 3 types of lip care on me, one in the makeupbag, one in the pocket and another rolling around the bottom of my bag, so it's deffo a staple in my everyday life! 

Vaseline - the first of the collection. I have quite a few vaselines, because they're so small and easy to store! (as well as being bought those big tins of them for the last 3 Christmases)
Vaseline is great for when you've gone past the point of no return, when your lips are cracked and chapped and causing you pain and annoyance! Due to its very greasy and oily formula, it makes it perfect for a deep moisturise and can have your lips saved within a few days!
This product is also perfect because it comes in so many different types, for example the yellow one is especially for when you're in the sun, so it has SPF protection as well as lip therapy!

I personally love this product, my favourite being either the Aloe Vera one (green) or coconut (brown but not on the pic lol) because it really does nourish and moisturise your lips and makes them super soft and luscious! I keep these 3 vaselines on my makeup desk at all times, and use them everyday!

(left) medicated tangerine, (right) sweet mint, (top) coconut milk
EOS - A couple of years ago there was a MASSIVE hype about these cute little lip pods because Miley Cyrus used them in one  of her videos, so I obviously got on that bandwagon and got my hands on some!
Now I personally love these cuties because just look at them! They're so cute and pretty! (And they look super cute on my desk) As well as tasting AMAZING as they come in sooo many different flavours! Also they don't apply any colour, which I like, and they're so easy to apply without being too slippery or greasy, making them perfect for use under lipsticks.

As for the lip care part of them, I wouldn't say they're the best, because they can be very drying, about 15 minutes after applying them. Which is why a lot of people were disappointed with them when the hype first began.

My personal favourite for lip care, is the tangerine one (bottom left) because it contains a medical thing, that helps your lips. At first it does taste like medicine, however after a while you get used to it and it tastes amazing! This is also the best for getting rid of dry skin and fixing your lips, due to the medicine in it.
Taste wise, my favourite is the sweet mint (bottom right) because it's so minty and makes your lips zing and smells amazing.

Nivea- In my opinion, the best stick there is! I personally love these because of the creamy and smooth consistence and they glide on amazingly, making them perfect for everyday use. In addition to this they provide a really deep moisturise for your lips and make them really soft!

They come in so many different flavours, and some have tints to them so they add a really subtle colour. My favourites are the normal one, (the blue) and the fruity shine - peach (left) because the original is so nourishing and helps your lips so much, likewise so does the peach but it tastes and smells amazing!
Another great one is the hydro care (it's light blue) as it's waterproof and lasts so long!

peach, Dr rescue, pink punch
Baby lips - Finally, my not-so-secret obsession. Maybelline baby lips are AMAZING and a lot like the Nivea. (but the packaging is prettier)
They're so hydrating and amazing for everyday use, as they are such a good size you can keep them everywhere (I must have at least 3 dotted around the house and the rest on my desk) and the lids are really secure (always a good aspect in a lip balm)
In addition some of them are tinted which makes them even better because they colour and save your lips! I also love these cuties so much because the packaging is amazing and the flavours are the most wide spread I've ever seen!

My personal favourite is just the ordinary, not tinted, Dr rescue (middle) because it's nice and thick so it hydrates your lips amazingly and makes then really smooth and lush!
My fave tinted one is the pink punch (left) because the colour is really subtle but also soooo pretty and looks amazing to wear everyday!

One of the first posts I ever did was all about my baby lips so if you want to see my collection (it's grown a bit since then so I can do an updated one if you like??) check it out here !

Thats it for my top lip care, I honestly have at least one of these with me at all times, and I have them dotted all around the place and in ever bag I own!
I think it's very important to keep your lips hydrated and cared for as they can be sooo painful and annoying when they're chapped!

Let me know what your fave lip care is!

Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed!
Fern :)

Sunday 10 January 2016


Hello all,

So as of about 2 weeks ago, I am the proud owner of my very first Naked pallet, Naked2 to be precise. I literally cannot get over how beautiful this pallet is! Obviously I knew how great it was from the many reviews and videos there on the internet but i never thought it would be this amazing!
I chose the Naked2 above the others because I feel it has the most wearable colours for me and my skin tone and in my opinion, some of the prettiest! (like omg look at 'ydk' it's beautiful)

First of all, the packaging. I'm a bit of a weirdo and like to keep my pallets in the boxes they come in (is that weird, I'm not sure) to keep them protected and also I love packaging! So i have to keep it all!

I especially love the box because it's very sturdy and strong, so the pallet is kept safe. It's also really pretty and I really like how it has the colours on, so you can see what you're getting even without opening the box!
The packaging of the actual pallet is good as well because it's metal so it's very strong, however I do prefer the packaging for the original Naked pallet, just because it's a bit more exciting! (it's all fury and soft) But this packaging is strong and the colour is so pretty! i just love it!

So when you open the pallet this is what you see! The mirror is sooo nice because of the shape. It's rectangular which makes it perfect for doing eye makeup!
As you can see the colours are AMAZING! There's a really nice variety of cool tones and warmer tones, which again makes it perfect for every eye colour or skin tone.
My favourite colour in the pallet would have to be 'Bootycall' and 'ydk' just because I love purples and highlight colours!
The only thing I would say kind of annoys me about this pallet is that there's only 3 matte shades, and I absolutely loooooove mattes and it's always good to have at least 2 matte transition shades in a pallet but this only has the one which is 'tease'
Apart from that this pallet is absolute perfection!

It also comes with this super cute brush, which is amazing because the pallet is quite expensive (£38) so it's good you don't have to pay to get the brushes you need. Also the brush is really nice, it's synthetic which means it packs a lot of colour on and is SO easy to clean! The flat shader end (left) is amazing for putting colour all over the lid, however I do think the blending end could be a little more fluffy! But it still does the job of blending!
I really like using the fluffy end to highlight the brow bone because it's fluffy but still quite dense, so it applies the colour really nicely.

super big picture so you can see! 
I swatched the colours so you can see how truly pigmented they are! Some of the lighter shades are hard to see on my vampire skin but you can still see them which shows how pigmented they are!
I used my finger to apply these to my arm, like I would to my eye as I feel it's the best way to get the most product and pigment onto your lids!

Colours from left to right,
foxy, half baked, booty call, chopper, tease, snakebite,suspect, pistol, verve, ydk, busted, blackout. 

As you can see the colours are crazy pigmented and the shimmery colours are super shimmery! like verve and ydk are insane!!!

My two favourite looks that I've made from this pallet are super easy to do and look so pretty!

Look 1
1. start off my priming the eye lid up to the brow-bone.
2. Apply 'foxy' all over the lid, crease and brow-bone to set the primer and to make blending easier.
3. Blend 'tease' into the crease.
4. Apply 'suspect' all over the lid and blend out the edges.
5. Apply 'pistol' into the outer V / third of the lid and blend into the outer crease.
6. Blend 'pistol' and 'tease' along the lower lash line.
7. Apply 'booty call' into the inner corner of the eye and brow-bone and blend so there are no hard lines!
8. (optional) Finally apply eyeliner or 'blackout' along the top lash line to define the eye further!

Look 2
1. start off my priming the eye lid up to the brow-bone.
2. Apply 'foxy' all over the lid, crease and brow-bone to set the primer and to make blending easier.
3. Blend 'tease' into the crease.
4. Apply 'ydk' all over the lid and blend out the edges.
5. Apply 'busted' into the outer third and lightly blend into the outer crease.
6. Blend 'busted' onto the outer third of the lower lash line and 'ydk' on the rest but avoid the inner corner.
7. Apply 'booty call' into the inner corner of the eye and brow-bone and blend so there are no hard lines!
8. (optional) Finally apply eyeliner or 'blackout' along the top lash line to define the eye further and even wing it out if you want more drama!

My sister took this and wanted me to share,
Overall, I think this pallet is amazing and so wearable.
I think this pallet would be amazing with people who are just starting with makeup and want a good pallet to use, because the colours are so bendable and so easy to work with, as well as it coming with a super good brush!

Thankyou so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed!
Let me know if you love this pallet or what your go-to pallet is!

Thanks again!
Fern :) 

Tuesday 5 January 2016

HELLO 2016

Hello all,

First of all I want to point out how numbers can't be in caps and the title is un-even which makes me very sad.
Second of all OMG ITS 2016! (see what I mean it's painful!!!) I want to dedicate this post to talking about my new years resolutions and what I'm looking forward to in the upcoming year!

2015 was such a great year for me, and i hope it was for you too! Some highlights were: starting my blog and really getting into it and other things such as makeup and once upon a time (literally the biggest highlight of my year) also I had such an amazing holiday in the summer and easter (blog posts all about them which you should go check out *winky face, nudge nudge*) However, as many other people I have had my ups and downs. Such as breaking my wrist, not getting on with people, all the normal kinds of problems a teenage girl has to face! However this year is a fresh start and I'm determined to make this year a good one! (so says everyone else)

I'm typically the type of person to make a new years resolution and then by February I will have given up! But this year I'm determined to stick to them! (again, I say this every year!) I was thinking though that a change in number shouldn't be a reason to suddenly try to resolve something, like it's never too early or too late to change something in your life if you want! But lets be honest a new year is a pretty good time to start the new you!

My first resolution for this year to be a vegetarian! I know it's a pretty big thing at the moment to eat super healthy and work out a lot and all that, but i just think being veggie is so fun! I personally don't eat that much meat anyway, because I don't like thinking 'omg this was once alive' and I'm not a fan of the bad effects it can have or all that nonsense! Also we have plenty of food in the world, why should we kill animals! And omg quorn is so amazing! Most say it doesn't taste like meat, which it doesn't but it's a pretty close second!

My second resolution is to try and be less annoying and kinder. I personally find myself really annoying and i think other people do too (a vibe I'm getting from most of my friends as of recent) so I'm planning to be less irritating, Not sure how yet but I'm working on it! Also we all do things selfishly, there's literally no way around that! However we can try to be kinder to those around us like smiling more or helping people whatever kind of mood your in, bad or good, it never hurts to try and brighten someones day with kind words or actions!

This year there's several things I'm super looking forward to. Such as: In February I'm going on a swimming teacher course, which should be super fun as I love swimming and teaching and really want to deepen my understanding! In addition I'm looking forward to a super long summer (study leave gives us like an 11 week summer wooo!) Even though I have lots of exams all the hard work will hopefully pay off!
Finally I also will be able to learn to drive this year! Which is both scary and exciting! (for me and my parents ahha)

Anyway thank you so much for reading this super quick post! I hope 2016 is amazing and I hope to be posting again very soon!

Let me know your New years resolutions and what you have to look forward to this year!

Thanks for reading!
Fern :)